Funny Photos With Captions Biography
In the City of Rainbows where I reside, funny photos, funny images, funny cartoon are everywhere. You see, we are a small clan but a big fan of fun! And one of our favorite mottos is to simply have fun with life. In our bedroom walls or kitchen doors, you’d easily spot a funny photo. Our colorful schools and holy churches are no exception; funny cartoon often brings a chuckle to our students, teachers and even serious parishioners!
I take it you get the picture now, right? These funny images are plastered here and there. They amused, entertained and bring forth a smile, chuckle and hearty laughter. Mister Doctor is all for this you see. He says we all need to relax and take a breather from worrying and thinking “What about me, me, me?!”
Why only last night, Mister Baker and Miss Dressmaker had a grand fight. But when Mr. Police showed them a funny cartoon, the two dissolved into pieces…ooops, I mean they ended up smiling and oh, was that a chuckle? Uhuh, it was! And shaking their heads, they went about their merry way.
Let me stop talking now as I take you on a tour. Here are some funny photos, funny images, funny cartoon that the dwellers in the City of Rainbows adore.
Your caption is not going to be chosen if it is not even remotely funny. Ever. So you need to make a funny caption that is entertaining for the average Neopian to read. However, being funny is not enough. If you want to win, your caption has to be exceptionally funny. Many, many people submit their funny captions every week, so you have a lot of competition. However, you will have an advantage over everyone else. Why, you ask? Because you are reading this article, of course! These tips and guidelines will, well, guide you as you develop those trophy-willing, sidesplitting, witty, funny captions. How do you create an exceptionally funny caption? Well, I obviously cannot tell you what caption to submit, but generally if your caption follows these guidelines, it will have a better chance of winning and being displayed for all to see.
1. Your caption has to make some sort of sense and be somewhat logical. Those who are reading your caption have to be able to follow your train of thought. There’s really no point in posting a hilarious paragraph if you lose your readers at the first sentence.
2. Your caption has to be general enough that the average Neopian will be able to get the punch line. If your caption is only going to be hilarious to those who have memorized every article in the Neopedia, or who are on the Battledome Neoboard every single day, not that many Neopians will get the joke. Remember that you are trying to make everyone burst out laughing, so inside jokes just won’t cut it.
3. Study the picture that you are supposed to write a caption for very carefully. There may be some small detail in the background that you can use in your caption. Bonus points if you can make your readers laugh AND say “Wow, I didn’t even notice that!”
4. Do not write down and submit the first thing that pops into your head when you see the caption. Sometimes the things in your head and what actually comes out can be very different. At the moment the idea occurs to you it might seem absolutely hilarious and you think, “Something this witty and clever has got to be the best idea ever!” However, you might revisit that idea later and realize it’s actually not that funny... nor does it make any sort of sense. This is why you should think about an idea and organize it a bit before you actually submit it. Stop laughing at your own joke for a second and make sure it is actually as funny as you initially thought it was before you submit it.
5. When you get a good idea for a caption, it is also a good idea to share it with others before you submit it. Something that you thought was so funny that the universe would cease to exist if you do not submit it might not make much sense to another person. Remember that others cannot see inside your head, so you have to make sure that they can all see the joke the way you do. This means that you have to word your caption carefully. When you do get a good idea, you can share it with someone, and if they don’t think that it’s nearly as funny as you think it is, you can work on the caption until everybody can get your joke.
6. After you have typed your caption and before you hit the “Submit” button, make sure you check and double check your spelling and grammar. Nothing deters readers (and judges) more than a piece of writing that is riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. You lose nothing if you just spend a minute or two of your time carefully proofreading your caption (well, except that minute, of course).
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
Funny Photos With Captions
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